First Reading - Ezra 6:7-8,12,14-20

Gospel - Luke 8:19-21

The word 'Christian(s)' is derived from two word 'christos' (anointed one) and 'tian' (little), hence the word Christians literally means 'little anointed ones'. Thus the Christians are “little anointed ones” who have been anointed by his Holy Spirit to represent Him in this world. The readings of the day encourage us to represent our identity as Christians in the world.

The first reading narrates the story of the fraternal concern of Darius, the king of Persia. He liberates the Jews from the exile and funds for the rebuilding of the temple. Help of Dairus is really surprising because he was not a Jew nor was a devotee of Jewish religion. He still works out in favour of Jews who were exiled from their land and their religious practices. The intervention of Dairus is seen as the intervention of God through Dairus, favouring His people.

The gospel passage invites the believers to become the members of the family of Jesus. The passage narrates that the mother and the brothers of Jesus were looking for Jesus but because of the crowd they could not get to him. When Jesus was informed about it, he instructs the crowd that his family circle is expanded by those who listen the word of God and do it. Jesus makes it clear that everyone who desires to be the part of His family, he or she has to accept and live what He teaches about God and about life; He or she should be able to perceive the truth in His teachings.

Dear friends, we have become a family irrespective of our nationality, colour, race etc. We are one one family in Christ as Christians. However, the christian life is about listening and living the teachings of Jesus. The gospel passage makes it clear that as Christians we are the part of the family of Jesus. It's a call to make the teachings of Jesus alive in our lives. However, we do find a contradictory life to the teachings of Jesus in ourselves. We can, in a real sense, call ourselves Christians, if we make every effort to put into practice the teachings of Jesus which are also the very Word of God. The gospel challenges us today to become doers of the Word of God. It's not only listeners but listeners and doers of the word of God. 

The first reading assures us that the family of God is never abandoned but God comes to their help in their needs. Dairus, the king of Persia, comes to the aid of exiled Jews as envoy of God. We are assured that as God's family, we will always have an assurance of God's help in our needs.

May we be able to live as Christians by listening to Jesus and living His message.

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