First Reading - Ezra 9:5-9

Gospel - Luke 9:1-6

The mission of proclamation of the good news is the task of every faithful. This task of the proclamation can be prevented by our human weaknesses, if they overwhelm us. Thus, we need strength to combat our weaknesses so that the task of proclamation can be carried out. The readings of today remind us that though we are weak and frail but God empowers us for His mission.

The first reading captures an emotionally charged passage of Ezra. The passage retells the oscillation of themes from the human proclivity to sin to God's mercy or love to liberate humans from punishment caused due to their iniquities. The prophet pleads with God for His mercy for the iniquities and sins committed by people. The prophet strongly believes that the mercy of God overwhelms despite the iniquities and wickedness of people. The sad note of sinfulness of humanity meets favour and mercy of God. The mercy of God, as the prophet narrates, has been manifested all through the history of Israel but it becomes tangibly present in the Persian king who liberated people from the exile of Babylon and allowed the people to return and rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. The prophet sees a clear intervention of God through the Persian king as a beautiful sign of God's mercy.

The gospel recalls a beautiful account of the empowering of the apostles for the mission of proclamation of the kingdom of God. Jesus gives his apostles power and authority over all devils and sicknesses. Jesus empowers his apostles with his power and authority. The vesting of power reminds that it's the power of Jesus that works through the apostles. The weak and frail apostles are empowered for a great mission of proclamation by healing and preaching. However, Jesus makes a demand from his disciples - "Take nothing for the journey." It means the apostles are to depend on the providence of God. They are to believe that God will be on their side to provide for their needs. Jesus empowers the apostles but the apostles are demanded faith on their part.

Dear friends, the Vatican II (Ad Gentes) states : "The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature ...." This reminds us of our role as missionaries. The gospel gives account of the first missionary venture of the apostles who were empowered by Jesus, so also we are empowered by Jesus for his mission. Jesus has shared his power and authority with us as well, just as he shared his power and authority with his apostles. The gospel is keen in telling us that we can proclaim the good news with the power of Jesus. 

The first reading recounts that we are weak and frail. Though we are entrusted with a mission and empowered by the power and authority of Jesus, we have our human weakness (inclination to sin - jealousy, envy, enmity, selfishness, hatred for one another etc.) which can deviate us from our mission. As Ezra mentions that our God is a merciful God, He shows His mercy on us, will certainly show His mercy on us by empowering us to fight our weaknesses and work for His mission. However, the demand of Jesus from his apostles is also applicable for us; we need to rely on the mercy and providence of God. This simply means to allow God to work in and through us. This attitude of faith will certainly allow God to empower us for His mission.

May the good Lord find our hearts docile to receive Him.

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