Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael - Archangels

First Reading - Daniel 7:9-10,13-14

Gospel - John 1:47-51

Today we celebrate the feast of archangels. Who are they? They are the special envoys of God or God's messengers. They represent as mediators between God and humanity. The readings of the day remind us that we have a great mediator in the person of Christ who mediates salvation for the humanity by his passion, death, resurrection and ascension. We are to come to him in faith to appropriate this gift of salvation.

The first reading is taken from the book of Daniel. Today's passage shows the vision of Daniel about the glorious figure of the 'son of man'. The vision of the 'son of man' is deeply embedded with historical underpinning and also has theological import. The historical background retells the oppressive nature of the surrounding nations of Israel. This vision gives assurance to people that in spite of the powerful oppressive clout of the surrounding nations, Israel will outshine like the son of man in the vision who claims authority over all the nations. The theological import of the vision lies in the recurrent use of the title by Jesus. Jesus uses this title to demonstrate his authority over everything as a victorious Messiah.

In the gospel of today, Jesus appreciates the receptive attitude of Nathaniel to the Word of God. He also acknowledges the innocence and genuineness in Nathaniel. Seeing the inquisitive faith of Nathaniel, Jesus uses the vision of the ladder of Jacob to display his role as the mediator between God and humanity for the salvation ( You will see heaven laid open and, above the Son of Man, the angels of God ascending and descending). This verse clarifies that the vision of Jacob, in which the ladder becomes the medium for connection between heavenly being and humanity, is realized in Jesus through his suffering. In fact, Jesus tells Nathaniel that it's in and through him the door of heaven will remain open and this will be witnessed by his disciples.

Dear friends, Jesus mediates salvation for the humanity. He is the glorious Son of God who has authority and dominion over every being. The humanity finds hope of salvation in Jesus. We can appropriate this gift of salvation by believing in Him like Nathaniel who professed - "Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel." This was a great profession of faith.

We are also to live according to our faith in order to appropriate this gift of salvation. It's not merely by confessing with our lips but by our actions as well. We are to live our faith.

The angels, as the messengers of God, communicated the same message of salvation to us in Jesus Christ in the Bible. They prepared people in the past for the same gift of salvation and continue to do so even today.

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