First Reading - Zechariah 2:5-15

Gospel - Luke 9:43-45

What is the centrality of our life? The centrality of our life determines our actions, thoughts and words. If the centrality of our life consists of material objects, our actions, thoughts, and words will be accordingly. If the centrality of our life consists of spiritual things, our actions, thoughts and words will be so. The readings of today invite us to fix our centrality on spiritual things.

In the first reading, the prophet Zechariah, who was the contemporary of the prophet Haggai, deals with the theme of the rebuilding of the temple. In fact, the emphasis of the prophet lies on the centrality of Jerusalem. The prophet depicts the centrality of Jerusalem by his vision where the Lord promises to be the wall and protection of Jerusalem. In the vision, man going to measure the length and breadth of Jerusalem is objected by the other man who confirms that no physical boundary is required for Jerusalem for God himself will be the wall of Jerusalem. It means the land of Jerusalem should not wall off people of other nations. The centrality of Jerusalem consists in the flocking of other nations to Jerusalem where all will accept the Lord and it should also be the centre of renewal for the people. According to the prophecy, Jerusalem will become the centripetal for all humanity.

The gospel continues with the passion prediction of Jesus. Jesus is admired by People after the healing of the demoniac. Jesus rings a reminder for his disciples that they should not be carried away by the bundle of praises of people poured on him after the miracle. He once again reminds them that he is the suffering Messiah. However, the disciples fail to understand it and this mystery remains hidden from them. Why is this not perceived by them? It's because of their pre-conceived ideas of the Messiah as a politically powerful one. Perhaps they found it difficult to comprehend the suffering of the Messiah. The reminder of the suffering of Jesus was a pointer for his disciples to see Jerusalem as the focus of his destiny; a center of the renewal for the humanity.

Dear friends, Jerusalem was prophesied by the prophet Zachariah to be the center of the humanity or world. It's there that all nations will flock. This prophesy becomes the point the centrality for Jesus. He is not deterred by the praises of the people nor his disciples. On the other hand, he reminds his disciples to see Jerusalem as his destiny. Jerusalem stands out to be the center of renewal for humanity because of Jesus. Jesus breaks the barrier of wall for the nation and welcomes everyone for a renewed life in him.

Jerusalem is figuratively the centre of spiritual aspirations. The aspirations of disciples of Jesus and people seem to be material but passion prediction of Jesus directs them to seek spiritual aspirations in Jesus, a renewal within. It's also an invitation for us to seek spiritual aspirations in Jesus. 

What is our Jerusalem towards which our heart, mind and soul is directed? Is it material things or spiritual? Jesus reminds us to fix our gaze on Jerusalem that brings changes in us in sofar as Jesus himself is concerned. Are we ready for a change?

May the good Lord become the centre of our spiritual life.

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