First Reading - Jeremiah 23: 5-8

Gospel - Matthew 1:18-24

The righteousness is a great virtue in the Bible. The importance of this virtue is emphasized and even demanded in the Bible. In fact, this virtue is seen as the yardstick to reward or punish people for their lives. The readings of the day invite us to meditate on the virtue of righteousness or uprightness.

The first reading instills hope and gives promise of a righteous king for the people of Israel. The righteousness of king is reflected in the integrity of life and the practice of honesty. This prophecy or promise is a reason of great joy for the people, for the virtuous life of the king will prevail across his kingdom. 

The gospel brings an example of a virtuous man named Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. He is called virtuous because he feared the Lord and observed the commandment faithfully. The righteousness of Joseph is seen in his decision - not to disgrace Mary who was found with the child. He knew that disgracing Mary will cost her life so he wanted to give her writ of dismissal. This was there to liberate her from the bond of marriage which was maintained due to betrothal and send her away her home so that she could live her life. The righteousness of Joseph comes to the height of respecting Mary even at that moment. Some of our Church fathers say that Joseph found himself unworthy to become the father of the Son of God that's why he decided to give Mary the writ of dismissal. Whatever may be the reason for his decision to give Mary the writ of dismissal, but he was found worthy in the sight of God to be the caretaker of His Son and Mary. This became a reason for us to have hope of new life in Christ.

My dear friends, the righteousness is the virtue that not only affects the individual person who is upright but also whole community. In the first reading, we heard that the righteousness of the king becomes the cause of joy and confidence for people so also in the gospel, the righteousness of Joseph becomes hope of humanity for our salvation. The life of righteousness is a pressing demand even now from us. St. Paul insists in his letters that we are saved by our righteousness. The virtue of righteousness is not mere observance of the commandment but personalizing the commandment. How can we personalize the commandment of God? We can personalize this by our life of integrity, honesty, love and living other gospel values. The personalization of the commandment invites us to be the person who is God oriented; to be the person who is other-oriented; and to be the person who is moulded by love. May God help us to become and live righteously in His sight.

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