First Reading : Isaiah 25:6-10

Gospel : Matthew 15:29-37

Happiness and fulfilment in life are the core desire of every person. A fulfilled life gives us inner peace and joy. At the end of our earthly life, if the purpose of our life is not fulfilled, we may regret of leaving something incomplete but if we succeed to fulfill the purpose of our life, we will have inner joy and peace. What gives us real fulfillment of the purpose of life is explained by the readings of the day.

The first reading brings to the fore the messianic banquet that is hosted by God Himself. The prophet Isaiah predicts that there will be no misery, sorrow or sadness. It's the Lord who is going to remove everything and turn them into joy.

The gospel presents the prefiguration of the messianic banquet that satisfies us to the full. The feeding of the multitude overshadows the expectation of the messianic banquet of the prophet Isaiah as in the first reading and collection of the leftover breads in seven baskets refers to the gentile nations. In fact, the feeding of the multitude is reference of the inclusion of all the nations in the banquet of Christ. It's interesting to notice that Matthew mentions that the crowd ate as much as they wanted. It simply means that they were satisfied.

My dear friends, we live a rush life. We are engaged in so many things but sometimes have no time for our inner self. Jesus makes the crowd sit so also us. We need to sit a while and give time for Christ to do the rest in our lives. We know there are so many things, worries, cares, much tension and work pressure but are they going to fulfill our lives? Perhaps, at the end of the day, we may feel empty within than have a joy of gaining something. Life is short but not too short to achieve the purpose of life. Only person that can fill us with fulfilment is Christ. We may not be able to spare hours and hours but indeed a few minutes moving interior self of our being. There indeed we may find Him. May this advent be a journey within so that we may find Him in our lives.

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