First Reading - Isaiah 26:1-6 

Gospel - Matthew 7:21,24-27

We all want to enter heaven. However, many want to go to heaven by some shortcuts. The readings of today invite to make the Word of God our directives and guidance for entering heaven. The Word of God is a passport to heaven for us.

In the first reading, we come across a beautiful account of a strong city. The imagery of the city is allegorical referring to the heavenly city. The imagery of the fortified city, which stands strongly built, the prophet highlights in the given passage, has been strengthened by God himself, as God is the everlasting Rock of the city. The passage underlines two categories of people who will be able to enter the fortified city and those prevented from entering there. The first group of people who will be able to enter are those who remain faithful to God by living an upright life and trusting faith in God. Whereas the second group includes those who are proud and those who rely on their own power rather than God are prevented from entering the city. 

The fortified city of the first reading coincides with the well built house of the parable of the gospel given by Jesus. Jesus stresses on two important contrasts in the parable. The one group of people those who listen to the words of Jesus and live according to it and the other group of people who listen to Jesus but don't live according to it. Those who listen to Jesus and live their lives accordingly are those who have built their house on the rock that remains intact in the face of all upheavals, whereas those who just listen to him but don't act are like those who have built their house on the sand that cannot withstand the upheavals. Jesus, by this parable, invites all believers to direct their lives according to the teachings, he has proposed for all.

Dear friends, as we journey in our lives, we are reminded by the readings about a dual task we are expected of; the task of making ourselves worthy to enter the fortified city of the Lord that is heaven for us; and laying a strong foundation of our Christian faith on the teachings of Jesus and live according to it. In fact, both the tasks are interconnected. The one who listens to the words of Jesus and acts on them will certainly choose to live an upright life or life that is pleasing to God or a faithful life to God. 

Jesus does speak to us through the Bible, particularly everyday's readings. We listen to Him everyday but at times fail to live accordingly because they seem to challenge us and demand a change in us. Today, through the gospel, Jesus invites us to be the man who builds the house of faith on the Rock or God himself, which is reinforced or sustained by the Word of God. Let's be the doers of the Word of God rather than only remain hearers of it.

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