First Reading - Isaiah 30:19-21,23-26

Gospel - Matthew 9:35-10:1-8

These days people are harvesting paddy. Since they have worked hard, they do expect fruits in plenty. At times, it happens that though we work hard but the result is minimal. There could be strategical factors involved in them for such poor result but besides that spiritual factor is also involved that is the blessing of God. The readings of the day confirm that the blessing that issues from God brings fruits in abundance. God takes initiative to make us part of the blessing.

The first reading is filled with hope that God is going to bless the people of Israel with the abundance of everything. The abundance is presented in the agricultural plenty in terms of fodder for oxen and donkey, sunlight and good rainfall for the seeds. The people of Israel, at the same time, are reminded that God is the judge and has complete authority over everything. The context of this passage recalls the incident when the Assyrians had invaded Judah and neighbouring kingdoms but spared Jerusalem, people viewed that as the intervention of God. Thus, people are reminded that everything flows from God and to remain in God's mercy requires turning to him in humility.

The gospel passage of the day reflects the initiative of Jesus, on the one hand to bring them to be the part of His kingdom and on the other hand to make them the recipients of His blessings. Jesus sends his disciples to the lost ones of Israel so that they can turn to God in humility and receive His mercy.

My dear friends,God wants to bless everyone of us, provided we are ready to turn to Him in humility to receive His blessing. We are the recipients of the blessing of God but we are also called to invite others to be the recipients of God's blessings. Jesus sent his disciples to the lost ones of Israel so that they can also receive the blessings of God. Today it's our task to approach others showing them hope in Christ, so that they can also be the part of God's Kingdom and become recipient of God's blessing.

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