Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

First Reading - Genesis 3:9-15,20

Second Reading - 1:3-12

Gospel - Luke 1:26-38

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception reminds us that from the first moment of mother Mary's conception, she was preserved immune from original sin by the singular grace of God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race (CCC 491). The readings of the day draw our attention to the age-long prophecy enshrined in the book of Genesis to the fulfillment of the prophecy in Christ.

The first reading narrates the story of the fall of Adam and Eve, our first parents. The point is not the fall but the promise of hope by God despite the failure of human beings. God gives hope to humanity that someone is going to crush the head of the serpent which is representing the evil. Though the vulgate Bible of St. Jerome translates as the woman who would crush the head of the serpent but the original Hebrew scripture mentions the offspring of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent. Whatever may be the translation but it's a fact that Mary through her spotless life indeed crushed the head of the serpent and Christ by his passion, death, resurrection and ascension vanquished the reign of satan.

The gospel of the day confirms that Mary is immaculate when the angel saluted Mary as “full of grace”. This greeting means that she was never, even for a moment, a slave of sin and the devil. In the words of Lumen Gentium (56), Mary was “filled with an entirely unique holiness,” 

The immaculate conception of Mary had a purpose that is ‘to bring everything under Christ as head’. Christ is the Wisdom of God, the plan according to which and through which all things were created. Christ is also the completion of the creation, and the unity of all things in Christ is a special emphasis of the letter in the second reading. All things are under Christ as head of creation, as nourishment for creation and as guidance of creation. These are the functions which a head performs for a body, which Christ performs for creation. The Immaculate Conception of Mary was the beginning of the completion of this plan: it was fitting and necessary that the mother who would form and shape the Son of God should be totally without blemish, a shining example of faultless motherhood, a perfect role-model for her Son. The aspect of conception in the womb of her mother is only a symbol of the totality of Mary’s goodness.

My dear friends, this great feast reminds us that the saving plan of God as was promised by God takes its complete shape in Jesus who sums up everything. Mother Mary co-operates with the saving plan of God by her 'yes'. That's why the gift of salvation is made possible to all in Jesus. The gift of salvation is made available to all but what is required is that people should co-operate with the saving plan of God just as Mary co-operated with God to bring Christ among us in person. When we co-operate with the saving plan of God, we make Christ present to all by our life-example.

This feast also reminds us that Christ cannot find place in us unless sin is avoided from our life. God chose Mary who was spotless and far from the bondage of sin. Christ wants to reside in us provided the sin is thrown away from our lives.

May God continue to bless and strengthen us to be pure in heart, mind and soul.

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