First Reading - 1 John 5:5-13

Gospel - Mark 1:6-11

The epiphany or manifestation of Jesus comes to its climatic scene when is linked to the testimonies or witnessing. The manifestation of Jesus becomes more crystal in the light of witnessing values issuing from prayers. The readings of the day invite us to reflect upon the innate gift of witnessing Christ to the world which is consolidated by prayer in silence.

In the first reading, John underlines the innate witnessing values infused in us by the reception of the sacraments. He sidesteps from the historical coming of Jesus to the personal encounter with Jesus. John stresses that Jesus has come historically in human form and also has come to believers sacramentally in the waters of their baptism in the Spirit, and by the blood of the Eucharist. Therefore, the three witnessing forces are then to be understood as; the water of baptism, the Eucharist and the Spirit given by both the sacraments. They are the innate force in us to witness Jesus to the humanity.

The gospel draws our attention to two great witnesses in the gospel; the witness of John the Baptist and the testimony (manifestation) by God Himself. The testimony of John was geared to prepare people to recognize Jesus and the testimony by God the Father was to manifest Jesus himself to the humanity. The testimony of John and manifestation by God remind us that our witnessing must carry twofold dimensions; to assist people to recognize Jesus and making Christ present or manifest in the lives of people through our lives and actions.

(The baptism from John was a very important event in the life of Jesus because 1) it was a moment of his identification with us sinners; 2) it was a moment of conviction about his identity and mission: that Jesus is the Son of God and his mission is to preach the Good News of God’s love and salvation and to atone for our sins by becoming the “suffering servant”; 3) it was a moment of equipment: the Holy Spirit equipped Jesus by descending on him in the form of dove, giving him the power of preaching and healing; and 4) it was a moment of decision to begin public ministry at the most opportune time after receiving the approval of his Heavenly Father as His beloved Son.)

My dear friends, we are the witnesses of Jesus by our very vocation to be Christians or followers of Christ. Jesus' power was felt by people, when they came to him. We can be the channel of God's power to people, if we draw strength from him in prayer. We can be effective witnesses in Christ by our deep association with him in prayer. Jesus was admired and sought after by people but he withdrew to a deserted place to pray. Though we are given the gift of bearing witness, but that must be strengthened and consolidated by prayer. May God help us to become true witnesses of Christ by our lives and the mission we have.

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