First Reading - 1 Samuel 1:9-20

Gospel - Mark 1:21-28

Power or authority drives many people crazy in the world. People, those who have authority, assert that by force and those who don't have authority or power they envy for that. Today, the readings of the day invite us to secure a positive outlook of the meaning of authority that is not to suppress others and assert oneself but the authority is to be exercised in serving and liberating people.

The gospel of the day draws our attention to the influence of the authority or 'exorcia' of Jesus. The authority is evinced in his teachings and the miraculous signs of overthrowing the bondage of satan. Jesus made the city of Capernaum which rested on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the center of the fishing business, his headquarters. There he started his preaching, teaching and healing ministry. The people were impressed by the authority of his teaching. The Old Testament prophets had taught using God’s delegated authority, and the Scribes and Pharisees taught quoting Moses, the prophets and the great rabbis. But Jesus taught using his own authority and knowledge of God. Perfect knowledge of God, perfect accomplishment of God’s will, and absolute confidence in God were the sources of Jesus’ authority. The same authority is also demonstrated in his healing of the man possessed by an unclean spirit. 

The first reading demonstrates the authority of God to relieve the agony and pain of distressed Hannah. Hannah pours out her heart to God and God responds to her distress by blessing her with a son and removing the shame from her life due to her barrenness.

My dear friends, the concept of authority is usually understood negatively but the readings of the day invite us to view the flipside of the authority which is liberating and inclusive. The authority of Jesus was inclusive so that no one can be lost. He demonstrates his authority by healing the man with unclean spirit and liberated him from the clutches of evil and in the first reading, God removes the shame of barrenness from Hannah as a sign of liberating authority of God. We are invited today to view authority as an occasion to serve and guide people rather than suppress and flaunt our power. It's in our service to one another authority makes a great impact on others as in the case of Jesus. Jesus used his power in serving one another by teaching them true knowledge of God and healing them from the bondage of suffering and pain. 

May God help us to imitate Jesus more perfectly in his footsteps.

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