First Reading - 1 Samuel 3:1-10,19-20 

Gospel - Mark 1:29-39

The suffering is a reality. If we glance all around, we will certainly encounter sufferings, pains, hardships and difficulties of people. In the midst of such situations, the readings of today invite us to alleviate the pain and suffering of people in the way we are able to do. 

The first reading recounts the call of Samuel. This episode is dramatic, nevertheless ridden with deep meanings. The passage mentions that God calls Samuel at the time when He was not showing (revealing) Himself to anyone, hence it was an uncommon phenomenon. Eli, the elderly priest, realizing that Samuel is being called by God, helps him to respond to the call of God. Eli counsels the young Samuel to listen to the voice of God and humbly respond to Him saying: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." This small sentence entails the sentiments of humility and eagerness to respond to God. Samuel does as he was instructed, when he heard the voice call again. Consequently, God appoints him as his prophet and is also recognized by people.

In the gospel, we come across Jesus healing the sickness of many people including the mother-in-law of Simon. We see in the passage Jesus engaged in his healing ministry. He cures the sick people and this work continues till late evening. The healing work of Jesus is punctuated by his prayer, which he shortly undertakes early in the morning. He never misses to pray to his father. It's at these moments of prayer, he drew strength to carry on his ministry. It's here he is reminded afresh of his mission to go to people with the message of the gospel.

Dear friends, we are all familiar with the phrase 'wounded healer'. This phrase suggests that we have our struggles, challenges, difficulties and problems, nevertheless we can be healers for others. Jesus healed people spiritually and physically and alleviated their sufferings and pains. We, as followers of Jesus, are invited today to become healers for others. When we see miseries and struggles in others, our little steps to alleviate the pain of those people through our helpful suggestions, company and consolation can make us also healers.

The first reading invites us to become a healer as a guide for the confused and the lost. Eli became a guide for Samuel to respond to God's call, so also we can become a guide to the people who are confused and lost in their lives by our insights and helps. This will remove darkness from their mind and make things clearer to respond to the challenges of life and ultimately help them do God's will in their lives. 

The readings of today also remind us that being 'healers' need God's assistance, because God is a true healer and we are his channels to impart his healing, hence we need to draw strength from God in prayer like Jesus so that we can continue to do such a great work. It's in our prayer we say to God like Samuel - "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." It's in our humility before God we can become healers for people.

May God help us become healers for people.

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