First Reading - 1 Kings 8:1-13

Gospel - Mark 6:53-56

Rick Warren has beautifully said:"Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quite moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God." This quote coincides with the message of today's readings as it teaches us to recognize and always see the presence of God in our lives.

The first reading tells about the crowning glory of Solomon’s reign as the dedication of the Temple. David had brought up to Jerusalem the ark of the covenant, the symbol of God’s presence among his people. But, as he was ‘a man of blood’ he had not been allowed to build the Temple, only to purchase the land for it, and the glory fell to Solomon. The dedication was a magnificent occasion, as the ark was brought up from the old part of the city, where it has rested since David brought it up from Kiriath-Jearim, accompanied by the whole people and the developed priesthood, and the LORD showed his presence by the impenetrable divine cloud. The king Solomon recognised the presence of God in the cloud and praised Him.

The gospel passage of today's short reading sums up the activity of Jesus in the first part of his ministry in Galilee. He is recognised everywhere as a healer to whom they can bring their sick; the immediate enthusiasm of the crowds is palpable. The people recognised in Jesus a divine presence and bringing the sick for healing shows the immediate reaction of that faith.

Dear friends, God is actively involved in our lives. He is with us all time. The readings invite us to recognize God's presence in our lives. The king Solomon recognized God's presence in the cloud covering the temple. It also points to the fact that God has consecrated the worship places as His abode. The people recognized in Jesus a divine presence of God and flocked to touch and be healed. This points to the fact that Jesus' presence can bring healing to us if we believe in Him (Jesus heals with his presence). 

Do we recognize God's presence in our lives? It's by our contemplation with the eyes of faith (The Admonition of St. Francis of Assisi, 20), we can see and recognize the presence of God in lives. When we visit the Church, hear the Word of God, receive the Body and Blood of Christ and examine our day's events, they all inspire us to recognize God in our lives. Our lack of recognition of God in our lives can lead us to ignorance and disbelief. However, our ability to recognize the presence of God in our lives can strengthen our faith in God.

Let's perceive God's presence in our lives.

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