First Reading - Genesis 1:1-2:2

Second Reading - Genesis 22:1-18

Third Reading - Exodus 14:15-15:1

Fourth Reading - Ezekiel 36:16-17,18-28

Fifth Reading - Romans 6:3-11

Gospel - Mark 16:1-8

One lady wrote into a question-and-answer forum. “Dear Sirs, our preacher said on Easter, that Jesus just swooned on the cross and that the disciples nursed Him back to health. What do you think?” Sincerely, Bewildered.

Dear Bewildered, Beat your preacher with a cat-of-nine-tails, nail him to a cross; hang him in the sun for 6 hours; run a spear through his side…put him in an airless tomb for 36 hours and see what happens.” Sincerely, Charles.    

Jesus is certainly risen from the dead and we rejoice not only because Christ rose from the dead but also because we have a sure hope in him. The readings of today invite us to strengthen our hope by believing in the risen Christ.

The first reading tells us that everything that exists is created by God. He created out of nothing. He created everything with His powerful word. Everything that He created was good. Human beings are created in the image and likeness of God, thus have great value in the sight of God. Human beings are the caretakers of the creation.

The second reading narrates Abraham's test of faith. God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son for him. Abraham, without any hesitation, jumps into carrying out the will of God. Abraham manifests great faith in God. Pleased by the manifestation of faith of Abraham, God provides him ram in place of Isaac, Abraham's son; symbolizing how we are saved in the faith of Abraham like Isaac.

The third reading commemorates the crossing of the Red sea by the people of Israel; moving from slavery to freedom. The crossing of the Red sea symbolizes our freedom from slavery of sin by the passion death and resurrection of Jesus.

In the fourth reading, prophet Ezekiel promises a new state of life for every person in God - a renewed self and obedient heart to observe the commandment of God. The Easter celebration brings to mind that Jesus gives us a new heart and cleanses us from our sinfulness through his own passion and death; now is symbolized by our baptism.

In the fifth reading, from the letter to Romans, Paul reminds us of a great mystery of the Sacrament of Baptism. This sacrament is not mere external observance of ritualism but it inheres great internal effects on our souls. The baptism renews us by the sufferings and death of Christ and regenerates us in the resurrection of Jesus as a new creation, holy and immaculate.

The gospel presents proofs of the resurrection of Jesus; the first proof is the empty tomb - there was no body of Jesus in the tomb as witnessed by the women in the gospel; the second proof is that the gospel shows women as the first bearers of the good news of resurrection which seems unusual in the patriarchal society but the evangelist still presents them to prove the fact from unusual perspective - this also renders validity of the event. As a whole, the resurrection of Jesus was not a drama but a fact that is testified by heavenly beings and people as well.

Dear friends, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus has two implications as we infer from the readings; Firstly, the resurrection of Jesus is an evidence for us that we will be raised like Jesus and be liberated from the slavery of sins (It doesn't not we will become immune to sin but it means we will be given grace to resist sins) if we believe in him. Secondly, the sacrament of baptism is the first step to manifest our faith in Jesus or the Triune God. Through our baptism, we are made children of God and we share special relationship with Him. The sacrament of baptism also liberates us from the stain of original sin and makes us pure and holy in Jesus. It's our faith that can help us believe in the mystery of Christ and help us grow in our love for Him. Therefore, let's make every effort to mature our faith by our spiritual exercises like; by reading of the Bible, by participation in the Eucharist, and by putting into practice the Christian values and virtues in our lives.

Certainly, we come across this question; Why did God choose to die to save us? It's because we are precious to God as the first reading also highlights it. We are created in God's image and likeness, therefore we reflect and manifest God's presence inasmuch as we try to resemble Abraham-like faith in God. This also reminds us that just as God gives us so much of importance in saving us, thus we should also give value to one another as everyone is a child of God. If everyone is a child of God, how can we abuse, cheat, mistreat, misuse or ill-treat anyone? Let's grow in showing respect to everyone, irrespective of colour, caste, creed and nationality, because God wants it from us.

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