First Reading - 2 Kings 5:1-15

Gospel - Luke 4:24-30

Faith is a challenging term because it demands conviction for the things not sure and certain on our part. However, the virtue of faith is so endearing that it helps us walk all through our uncertainties and difficulties. The readings of the day demand our courageous faith in Jesus and this will open a door to see great things in him reflected in our lives.

In the first reading, we hear about a great miracle of healing of Naaman performed by the prophet Elisha. Naaman had contracted leprosy. But when he heard that the Prophet Elisha had the power to heal, he appealed to the prophet for help. At Elisha’s word, Naaman bathed seven times in the Jordan, after which his leprosy was healed, and his skin was restored, becoming like that of a child. He was initially reluctant to obey the prophet but at the request of his servant he obeyed him. He was healed because he had Faith in the man of God. However, he constantly grew in faith through the instrumentality of different people; the jewish slave girl and his servant. Ultimately, he is led to an absolute faith in the God of Israel.

The gospel reading, on the other side, presents a disbelief of the people. The hometown people of Jesus fail to trust Jesus because of their pre-knowledge of Jesus and his family. However, Jesus courageously affirms his identity and mission. Jesus affirms that he is the Messiah as Isaiah prophesied and his mission is directed to the oppressed and marginalized. He, judging the disbelief of his people, takes the example of the prophets (Elijah and Elisha) who chose gentiles ( a widow from Sidonian town and Naaman, a Syrian) rather than Israelites as they were more open to the prophets than the Israelites. This is how, Jesus also affirms, that he is also going to do the same. 

Dear friends, Jesus is our Messiah and Saviour. We believe and live by this faith. However, the rejection of Jesus by his people reminds us as believers that our faith in Jesus is not going to be an easy path but will face rejection, oppression, and partiality from many. Let's learn from Jesus, just as he faced the rejection with courage and optimism so also we may be optimistic and courageous in our faith in Jesus.

As we are the imitators of Christ, and Jesus openly acknowledged that his mission was directed to the oppressed, persecuted, rejected and vulnerable, so too our mission should be oriented for the upliftment of the oppressed and marginalized, for the betterment of the poor and ostracized, and for the harassed and vulnerable. Let our teacher and master teach and inspire us to become the voice of the voiceless, help for the helpless and guide for the lost.

Let's be open to learn and grow in our journey of faith. Naaman learnt and grew in his faith gradually because of his readiness to accept and learn. He accepted the advice of the jewish slave girl, accepted the advice of his servant and that led him to grow in faith. We need to be receptive to advices of people as they come to us as the voice of God. Remaining obstinate will prevent the voice of God to act in us and to lead to the growth of our faith.

May God strengthen our faith and make us courageous to face the challenges of our lives.

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