First Reading - Deuteronomy 4:1,5-9

Gospel - Matthew 5:17-19

The rules and regulations can be constraining and frustrating, if they are not owned or accepted willingly. The readings of today invite us to make the Law or the teachings of God as our own for they manifest God's will for us.

In the first reading, Moses describes the beauty of the Law and commands its observance as Israel’s sign of gratitude for the Lord God’s promise of the land. He assures the people that their God-given Law (with their faithful observance of it) would serve three purposes: a) it would help Israel survive as a people; b) it would make the people proud of their God and His Covenant; and c) it would make neighbouring nations marvel at the graciousness and justice of the God of Israel, at His closeness to His people, and at their closeness to Him. Furthermore, Moses cites the praise they would receive from neighbouring nations as an additional reason for keeping the Law: “This great nation is truly a wise and intelligent people.”

In the gospel passage, Jesus endorses the importance and sacredness of the Law or the commandments. The teachings of Jesus on the observance of the Law from the reading can be summed up in three points; firstly, he affirms that he has come to accomplish the Law and the prophets (it's to say, he completes the teachings of the Law and the prophets in himself or rather the Law and the prophets find fulfillment in him) as in contrast to the accusations of the Pharisees and scribes who called him infringer of the Law; secondly, he upholds the importance of the sacredness of the Law in the plan of God as they reveal the divine will and will never pass without achieving its purpose; thirdly, Jesus also affirms that the observers and teachers of the Law will be held great in the sight of God (righteous) whereas infringers and false teachers of the Law will be considered least in the sight of God (condemned).

Dear friends, the word 'law' appears a bit terrifying as it includes many terms and conditions. In other words, the law curtails our freedom to act and do as we want. However, the mention of the Law in the readings refers to the teachings and commandments that are enjoined on every believer as given to us through the Bible. The Law or the teachings enshrined in the Bible encourage us to live as God expects from us. They are our guidance for righteous life. They guide our will and intellect to aspire for greater goodness and benefits for everyone. If our wills and intellects are not tamed in the path of righteousness then they can lead us to devious and destructive activities. As Moses, in the first reading, invites people to observe the Law so that they would live close to God in goodness, wisdom and peace and Jesus also endorses that the one who lives according to the Law (teachings) and teaches others will be considered great in the kingdom of God or in the sight of God, hence the observance of the Law leads us to establish a better place and society here on earth and to win God's favour.

As Christians, we have the teachings of Jesus as our guiding principles for our lives. We are invited today to direct our lives according to the teachings of Jesus. They guide us, how to live our lives as God wills and expects from us. Let's try our best to abide by the teachings of Jesus so that we will always find our God close to us.

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