First Reading - Acts 7:51-8:1

Gospel - John 6:30-35

As we gather together in the presence of the Lord, today's readings invite us to reflect deeply on the themes of faith, rejection, and the true bread of life.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we encounter Stephen, a man filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ. He confronts the religious leaders, challenging them to open their hearts to the message of salvation. Yet, tragically, they harden their hearts and reject the very One who came to save them. This passage serves as a sobering reminder for us to examine our own hearts and attitudes towards God's word. Are we open to receiving the message of salvation, or do we, too, risk closing ourselves off from the transforming power of the Holy Spirit?

In the Gospel reading from John, Jesus engages in a profound dialogue with the crowd, revealing Himself as the bread of life sent from heaven. He speaks not only of physical nourishment but of the spiritual sustenance that He alone can provide. Jesus invites us to believe in Him, to partake of His divine life, and to find in Him the true satisfaction of our deepest longings. Yet, like the crowd, we may find ourselves seeking Jesus for temporal needs while hesitating to fully commit to Him as the bread of life. Today, Jesus calls us to deepen our faith, to trust in Him wholeheartedly, and to allow Him to satisfy the hunger of our souls.

My dear friends, as we reflect on these readings, let us respond with humility and openness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Let us heed the example of Stephen, who remained steadfast in his faith even in the face of opposition. And let us turn to Jesus, the bread of life, who offers Himself to us as the source of eternal nourishment and life. May this Eucharist strengthen us on our journey of faith and lead us ever closer to the heart of our loving Savior.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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