First Reading - Acts 6:8-15

Gospel - John 6:22-29

Selfishness is a vice with which we all grapple every day as Christians. We are all selfish, and this is seen in our relationships with one another and sometimes in our relationship with God as well. The readings of today counsel us to overcome selfishness in relating to God.

The gospel passage gives us beautiful insights into the purpose of seeking Jesus. The crowd was intent on finding Jesus after witnessing the great miracle of the multiplication of bread. However, their purpose, to seek and find Jesus, was driven by their mere material desire for easy access to food (a selfish purpose) and not by recognition of the sign or belief in him after seeing the sign. Jesus addresses their mistaken purposes and misconceptions by inviting the crowd to believe in him as the one sent by God. Furthermore, Jesus exhorts them to seek food that can endure eternally, which he would provide in his flesh and words—an exhortation to move from material food to spiritual food that nourishes the soul.
The first reading sheds light on what happens when one believes in Jesus and is sustained by the spiritual food that Jesus provides. Stephen embodies an exemplary character in the first reading, filled with the Holy Spirit and working great signs in the name of Jesus. Despite opposition, no one could overcome his wisdom and arguments because God's Spirit accompanied him in every work and speech.
Dear friends, we seek Jesus in our lives through prayer. We need to clarify our purpose in seeking Jesus. Sometimes, our seeking is confined to material or selfish purposes. For example, we might see prayer as a magical wand, approaching God only for our needs or when we face difficulties. These are mere materialistic approaches to God. If our seeking is solely about gaining things, like the crowd looking for Jesus, then it is a mistaken purpose. Jesus advises us to shift from material to spiritual purposes in approaching him. Let our prayers not be occasions to seek material privileges, but opportunities to relate to God intimately, and the rest will follow, as Jesus himself says: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)
Those who seek Jesus with the right purpose will withstand every situation in their lives because they will be accompanied by the Holy Spirit. Stephen serves as an example for those who seek Jesus for spiritual purposes and believe in him as the savior. The first reading reminds us that it's not easy to believe in Jesus and live accordingly, as challenges and difficulties will surely come, sometimes caused by others or circumstances. However, God's Spirit will strengthen us to courageously withstand all situations in our lives.
Let us pray that we may seek Jesus with right and proper motives.

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