First Reading - Isaiah 7:10-14,8:10

Second Reading - Hebrews 10:4-10

Gospel - Luke 1:26-38

God is 'Immanuel' who walks with us. The readings of today are given to us as reminders to humble ourselves to perceive God's presence in our lives.

The first reading draws our attention to the prophecy of Isaiah to the king Ahaz.The prophecy in this first reading was given in 736 BC, when King Ahaz of Judah was about to be forced into an alliance, in a vain attempt to oppose the crushing military power of Babylon. Isaiah goes to him and warns him that the alliance would be fatal: he had better trust in the LORD. Isaiah promises a sign, which Ahaz refuses. He does not want to be convinced! What is this sign? The original Hebrew reads, ‘A girl is with child and will bear a son’, indicating that within a few months the threat will vanish and Jerusalem will be convinced that God is on their side – hence the boy will be called Emmanuel, in relieved gratitude. The symbolic name Emmanuel then becomes a promise of the presence of God in the world at our side.

The second reading is a beautiful commentary on and interpretation of the Incarnation itself. The Letter is written to those, probably Jewish priests who had embraced Christianity, who were pining for the old rites. It explains that the old rites could never accomplish God’s purpose. How, then, could the sacrifice of Jesus? The purpose of Jesus’ sacrifice was not the blood shed, as though an angry God demanded blood from someone as reparation, and the blood of Jesus was more effective than mere animal blood. This is the pagan idea of sacrifice, to turn away the wrath of a god by offering a little gift! The meaning and effectiveness of the sacrifice of Jesus was a consummate act of loving obedience, an obedience which washed away and annulled the disobedience of Adam, that is, the disobedience of the human race. Why death? The whole of the human life of Jesus, which begins at this sacred moment of the Annunciation, the moment of conception, is an act of loving obedience to the Father. But this obedience reaches its climax in the full expression of it at the crucifixion: Jesus was prepared to give himself totally, even to death.

Today’s Gospel describes the story of the Annunciation, explaining how God began to keep the promise He had made to King David through the prophet Nathan, that David’s descendant would rule over the world as its Messiah. Mary is described as “full of grace”, filled with God’s favor and graciousness. She is to be the new Ark, a tent and temple. God will be in her, literally and physically, and thus she will be the greater House God promised to David. Mary’s question, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” is natural. That is why Gabriel reminds Mary, ” For with God nothing will be impossible.” God will “empower” her (“the Spirit will come upon you“) and “protect” her (“overshadow you“). Luke’s narrative points out that the Child will not only be a distant grandson of David — He will be God’s own Son. “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His ancestor David.” Mary does not require confirmation but responds in Faith. She agrees to carry out the Word Gabriel has addressed to her in humility.

Dear friends, we need to be humble instruments in the hand of God, trusting in His power and goodness. St. Augustine reminds us that God Who created us without our permission cannot save us without our active co-operation. Hence, let us cooperate in the fulfillment of God’s plan for us with Mary’s trusting Faith and humility. 

Like Mary who brought God to us as Jesus our Savior, it is our duty to carry Jesus everywhere and bring Jesus to the lives of others around us through love, mercy, forgiveness and service. “Let the soul of Mary be in each one of you to magnify the Lord. Let the spirit of Mary be in each one to exult in Christ.” (St. Ambrose).  

As St. John Paul II says: "Through Mary to Jesus." This reminds us that Mary makes Jesus accessable to the humanity through her fiat or yes so also we can approach her in faith and she will certainly guide us through our life journey to follow her son. Let's approach our Blessed Mother through the powerful weapon of rosery.

May God continue to help us become humble instruments in His hand to carry out His will in our lives.

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