First Reading - Acts 3:13-15,17-19 

Second Reading - 1 John 2:1-5 

Gospel - Luke 24:35-48

The sick man seized the doctor’s hand. “I’m so afraid to die. Do tell me doctor, what is waiting for me when I die? What will it be like on the other side?” “I don’t know.” answered the doctor. “You don’t know?” whispered the dying man. Without further reply the doctor opened the door into the corridor. A dog sprang in, jumped up to him and showed in every way his joy at seeing his master again. Then the doctor turned back to the sick man and said: “Did you see how the dog behaved? He has never been in this room before and does not know the people here. But he knew his master was on the other side of the door and so he leapt joyfully in as soon as the door opened. — Now look: I don’t know anything exactly about what is waiting for us after death either, but it is enough for me to know that my master the Risen Lord is on the other side. So, when the door opens one day I shall go in with great joy.”

Today's readings present us with a profound challenge—to adjust our lives to the living presence of the risen Lord and to grow daily more aware of the presence of His Holy Spirit within us and surrounding us. This awareness should strengthen our hope in His promises, lead us to true repentance for our sins, and inspire us to bear witness to Christ through acts of charity.

In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we hear about Peter's forceful address to the crowd gathered at the Portico of Solomon in the Jerusalem Temple. Peter reminds his audience of their Jewish heritage and how God sent His Son Jesus as the Messiah to save the world. Despite the rejection of Jesus by His chosen people, Peter proclaims the message of repentance and conversion. Just as the crowd was called to reform their lives and turn to God, we too are invited to repent of our sins and seek forgiveness.

The second reading from the First Letter of Saint John addresses the early Christian community beset with problems and false doctrines. John emphasizes the importance of acknowledging Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, and living lives of love and obedience to His commandments. Jesus is our advocate, and through Him, we can obtain forgiveness for our sins and lead lives pleasing to God.

In the Gospel passage, we witness the disciples' encounter with the risen Jesus on Easter evening. Jesus appears to them, dispelling their fear and doubt by showing them His wounds and eating with them. He commissions them to preach the Good News of salvation and to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. This encounter with the risen Lord transforms the disciples and empowers them for their mission.

Dear friends, let us relive the "Upper Room Experience" in the Holy Mass. The Eucharistic celebration allows us to encounter Jesus in the Word and in the Sacrament, and it sends us forth to share His message with the world.

Jesus calls each of us to be witnesses to His love and mercy. Our lives should testify to the transformative power of the Risen Jesus, and we should allow Him to speak through us to others.

let us recognize the presence of Jesus in our daily lives and share His peace and joy with those around us. Our homes, workplaces, and communities are opportunities to experience and share the risen Lord with others.

Lastly, let us become agents of the Kingdom of God in our world. Jesus calls us to be a community of sharing, healing, and peacemaking, recognizing Him in the poor, the marginalized, and the sick.

As we continue our journey of faith, may we be strengthened by the presence of the risen Lord in our lives and empowered to bear witness to His love and mercy in the world.


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