💖 HOMILY - MAY 7 💖

First Reading - Acts 16:22-34

Gospel - John 16:5-11

Many times, it seems as if our faith journey was a solitary one, but the fact is our journey is accompanied by the Advocate and our Companion, the Holy Spirit. The readings of today highlight the evident works of the Spirit in leading and guiding us.

The first reading demonstrates the amazing actions of the Holy Spirit in releasing Paul and Silas from prison and converting the jailer to faith in Jesus. The crowd showed hostility to Paul and Silas as they failed to open themselves to the Spirit, but the jailer was disposed to the Spirit after witnessing the Spirit's work in saving the prisoners and the genuineness of Paul and others who did not escape despite their release. On that day, the jailer and his household discovered true faith through the words of Paul.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tries to console his sad and disheartened disciples at the Last Supper, as they are at a loss upon hearing the news of their master’s imminent departure. So, he assures them that they will not be left alone. He will send the Holy Spirit upon them as a friend, guide, consoler, and teacher. Then Jesus explains the three different roles of the Holy Spirit in their lives. First, He will convince the world about the seriousness of sin. Thus, the Holy Spirit will lead us to repent of our sins and seek forgiveness from Jesus. The Divine Advocate will demonstrate that not believing in Jesus is the real sin. It is the Holy Spirit Who would prick the hearts of the Jews on the day of Pentecost, convicting them of their sin of crucifying their Messiah. In the same way, He convicts us of wrongdoing and convinces us of God’s truth. Second, the Spirit convinces us of the righteousness of Christ, which means that Jesus was right in his teachings and promises, as proved by God His Father Who granted him Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven. Although Jesus was condemned to death, it was actually Satan, the ruler of this world, who was condemned through Jesus’ death. Third, the Holy Spirit gives us the inner and unshakable conviction that we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God. When we heed God’s judgments, we find true peace, joy, and reconciliation with God.

Dear friends, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to do what He wishes in and through our lives so that He may release us from the grip of sin and set us ablaze with the fire of God’s love.

We need to dispose ourselves to perceive the works of the Spirit in our lives who leads us to strengthen our faith like the jailer who discovered faith in Jesus through the experience of the Spirit's work in releasing Paul and Silas. The Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor who helps us in our journey of faith and guides us; He needs our attentive mind and docile heart to see His works in our lives in order to grow and strengthen our faith.

Let's pray that we may be able to perceive the works of the Spirit in our lives.

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