💖 HOMILY - MAY 9 💖

First Reading - Acts 18:1-8

Gospel - John 16:16-20

There are many mysteries in life which we don't understand. Such is the mystery of sufferings. The readings of today invite us to trust in Jesus to overcome the mystery of our time of suffering.

The gospel passage reminds us that time is a difficult factor for humans to fully integrate into their understanding of God's perspectives. The same bewilderment is seen in the disciples on the mention of the "little while" by Jesus. In fact, Jesus tries to reassure the disciples by using the phrase "little while" to address the discouragement and sadness that would follow his passion and death. Jesus conveys to them that sadness is not going to be a perpetual fate for them but joy will return with his resurrection. Therefore, Jesus invites the disciples to trust in him and not be lost in his "little while" of absence. The disciples are urged, through the passage, to hope in the awaiting joy of the return of Jesus in his resurrection.

The first reading sheds light on the disheartening situation faced by Paul and his companions, who were committed to preaching the good news. The passage highlights that the Jews paid deaf ears to the preaching of Paul. It was a great surprise for him, but he didn't give up there; rather, he continued his work of preaching, this time not among the Jews but among the gentiles. Paul and his companions exhibit resilience and great confidence in God. They didn't get discouraged by the unreceptive response of the Jews but were encouraged to preach the gospel among the gentiles.

Dear friends, we do come across the mystery of the "little while" in our lives. The "little while" can mean the moments of absence of Jesus in our lives, the moments of sadness, or the moments of confusion and discouragement. Jesus reassures us that they are only short-lived and not permanent; joy will return. We need to learn to trust in Jesus and his promise of the return of joy with him in our lives. Paul and his companions set a beautiful example of confidence and joy in doing what was expected of them despite the unreceptive response by some Jews. We can also learn from them that our sadness, confusion, and discouragement cease to exist in the presence of Jesus in our lives. Therefore, even if there lies the mystery of 'time,' our trust in Jesus can overcome it. Let's never cease to do what is expected of us even if the situation is bad and disheartening; Jesus will certainly show us the way.

Let's place our confidence and trust in Jesus.

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