💖 HOMILY - MAY 10 💖

First Reading - Acts 18:9-18

Gospel - John 16:20-23

Happiness is our inner craving. We all desire to be happy and blissful. The readings of today invite us to choose Jesus and trust in him to possess permanent joy.

The first reading is a fitting narrative of two mental attitudes of a person in the sight of a given situation: fear and confidence. Paul is assured of constant support and continual assistance in his ministry by Jesus. However, Jesus also warns him of the impending threats and dangers arising from his work but emboldens him to stand strong because He is with him. Paul took it to heart and continued the work of preaching without fear even though Jews accused him of dissension and apostasy, but they could not overcome him as God was with Paul. Paul overcomes his fear of threat and danger to his life because he trusted in the words of Jesus: "I am with you."

The gospel passage gives a contrast between present sorrows and future glory. Jesus compares the temporary pain, sufferings, and persecutions of his disciples to the passing, though intense, labor pains of a woman giving birth to her child. The moment she hears the cry of her child and sees his or her face she forgets all her pain. In the same way, the “other-worldly” joy waiting for his disciples will transcend all types of earthly joys. Jesus explicitly underlines a difference between earthly joys and the joy of seeing him in glory. Earthly joy is temporary, but joy in Christ is eternal, and this gives confidence even through sufferings, pains, and dangers.

Dear friends, we all look for happiness in life. In doing so, we choose different modes of actions. Jesus invites us today to choose him to cling to permanent happiness. The happiness of the world is temporary and fleeting, but joy in being in Jesus is permanent. Therefore, the temporary sufferings and pains will certainly come in our lives on choosing Jesus, but our trust in the words of Jesus will give confidence to face them. Paul trusted in the words of Jesus: "I am with you," and this gave him confidence to face the persecutions and accusations, and they never shattered or changed him. Similarly, our trust in the words of Jesus, that there is everlasting joy in him, will give us confidence to ward off worldly joy and pleasure and to face the challenges of life confidently. Let's look for eternal joy in Jesus by keeping ourselves away from temporary pleasures emerging from our desires for greed, debauchery, lust, and other evils. Jesus promises us eternal joy in him; hence, let's trust in him.

May God help us always seek our joy in Jesus.

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