💖 HOMILY - JULY 15 💖

First Reading - Isaiah 1:10-17

Gospel - Matthew 10:34-11:1

It's said in Hindi: "Kuch pane ke liye kuch khona parta hai," which means to gain something we have to give up other things. The same dictum can be applied to our vocation to follow Christ as well. In order to follow Christ as Christians or consecrated people, we need to renounce something and face challenges on our way. Consequently, there awaits a reward.

In the first reading, God, through the prophet, reminds the people of Israel that their offerings and showy gestures of piety are never accepted by Him; their gestures of piety should be reflected in their lives in the avoidance of evil, in their pursuit of doing good, doling out justice, and showing mercy to the oppressed, poor, widows, and orphans. In fact, the first reading is a reminder that true worship is offered to God through our lives where God finds priority and is radiated in our living with one another.

The gospel highlights the costs of discipleship. To follow Christ requires three things: firstly, to love Him more than anybody and anything (more than any person). Secondly, to follow Him means to be ready to accept the challenges of our lives, which are our crosses. Thirdly, to follow Him means to prefer Him to one's own life. The person who is ready to do all these proves himself or herself a true follower of Him.

However, Jesus also promises rewards for his followers and those who show his followers hospitality. The reward for the disciples is being fully identified with the master or Jesus himself, for they become his envoys. However, those who welcome and show hospitality to the messengers or envoys of Jesus are promised a reward for their kindness.

Dear friends, we are the followers of Christ, hence we are called Christians. The tag 'Christian' is not a formality but a vocation. We are called to follow Christ in person. We are to give Him a primary place in our lives above everything. This poses a challenge to us, for at times, we have many concerns that become primary over Christ. Jesus demands that He should become our primary concern as his followers.

Secondly, as followers, we also have a responsibility to become God's envoys in proclaiming the good news of the gospel. 

Thirdly, as believers in Jesus, we are to give due place to the messengers of God, those who bring the good news to us, for they are identified with Christ. Hence, our hospitality and gestures of kindness will earn rewards from God.

May God help us become his true followers through the thick and thin of our lives.

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