💖 HOMILY - JULY 16 💖

First Reading - Isaiah 7:1-9

Gospel - Matthew 11:20-24

Freedom carries responsibility. God bestows His graces upon us every day, giving us the freedom to respond to His benevolent love as we choose. The readings today remind us that we are responsible for responding to God’s mercy and love.

The first reading is a beautiful passage reminding the kingdom of Judah to stand firm and trust in God when threatened by the kingdoms of Samaria and Aram. Isaiah assures the king of divine assistance, provided the king is ready to trust in God. The kingdom of Judah enjoyed God’s privilege in such a threatening situation, but that privilege required a response of trust and faith in God. Similarly, we enjoy God's favors in our lives, which also require a responsible response on our part.

In the Gospel, Jesus reminds three cities that they deserve God’s punishment because they have forgotten the responsibilities their numerous encounters with the Messiah laid upon them. They should have listened to his message, put it into practice, and borne witness to the miracles he worked for them.

Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum: Nothing specific is mentioned in any of the Gospels about the “wonders” Jesus worked in these cities. Bethsaida was a fishing village on the west bank of the Jordan at the northern end of the lake. Chorazin was a town an hour's walk north of Capernaum. Jesus expresses his holy anger and sorrowful pity from a broken heart at the irresponsible disregard and indifference these three ungrateful cities showed to the Good News. Jesus warns them that “it shall be more tolerable on the Day of Judgment for Tyre and Sidon... [and] the land of Sodom” than for them because Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom were not fortunate enough to hear Jesus and receive the opportunity for conversion given to Bethsaida, Chorazin, and Capernaum.

Dear friends, privileges always carry responsibilities. We are privileged to have the Holy Bible, so we have the responsibility of making use of it. We have the Eucharistic celebration every day in our Churches, so we have the responsibility of participating in it when we can. We have the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so we have the responsibility of using it to be reconciled with Jesus and His Church. We are blessed with the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the teaching authority in the Church, so we have the responsibility of studying and following the Church’s directives and teachings. We have Mary, the mother of Jesus, and numerous saints as our role models, so we have the responsibility of following Jesus in their footsteps.

May God help us respond faithfully to the privileges and responsibilities He has given us.

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