First Reading - Proverbs 21:1-6,10-13

Gospel - Luke 8:19-21

A routine or schedule is ordinary when it involves school, work, transportation, etc., as they demand our punctuality. However, when it comes to our faith and relationship with God, it goes beyond mere routine or schedule; it requires full involvement of the heart. The readings invite us to intensify our relationship with God by wholeheartedly doing what He asks of us.

In the Gospel, we come across a strange episode where Jesus apparently refuses to acknowledge His family members. In reality, He does not reject them but rather expands the concept of family to include all those who do the will of God—His followers. He doesn't denounce His mother but instead exalts her role in His life, as she exemplifies someone who fully conformed to the will of God and carried it out faithfully.

The first reading is an excellent reminder that our desire to do good or follow the will of God holds great value in His eyes when it is done with a sincere heart. The reading emphasizes the centrality of the heart when it comes to doing God's will. It explains why this is important: good actions and righteous deeds can be seen and admired by others, and they may lead people to view someone as righteous. However, God sees the heart, not just the outward actions. This means He looks at the person’s inner disposition. The reading further states that a person may offer sacrifices, but if they do not pursue righteousness in terms of justice, peace, love, truth, diligence, sensitivity, or generosity, then their sacrifice is not rewarded by God. God desires that a person’s heart be fully dedicated to Him, seeking and doing what pleases Him. Therefore, the reading invites us to place our hearts into doing what God expects from us.

Dear friends, Jesus invites us today to embrace His family and become members of it. This invitation is not merely through receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, but by living each day according to His teachings. He gives us His Blessed Mother as a model—she reflected on God's ways and lived them daily. We are also invited to follow Mary's example in following Christ.

However, we are cautioned that our imitation of Christ should not be superficial or shallow, but should be motivated and guided by our hearts. In the biblical sense, the "heart" implies reasoning, feelings, and choices, so involving the heart means engaging our whole being. Therefore, in seeking to do God's will, our entire being must be involved, leaving no room for superficiality or mediocrity. Let us strive to live God's Word daily with our whole heart. Let’s give our hearts fully in carrying out our actions, rather than performing actions without heart.

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