First Reading - Proverbs 3:27-34

Gospel - Luke 8:16-18

Instructions, in any form, help us understand what should be done and what should be avoided. They are necessary to warn and guide people. Today’s readings present us with a number of instructions that guide us toward choosing a righteous life.

The first reading provides wise guidance for living a righteous life. Although it begins with negative commands like "do not," these sayings offer valuable wisdom. They provide guidelines for maintaining good relationships with others by being generous to those in need (our neighbors) and avoiding evil plots and quarrels. The passage assures us that by choosing the path of righteousness, we will receive God's favor and blessings.

Today’s Gospel passage contains three beautiful instructions from Jesus that follow the parable of the sower. The first instruction, often referred to as the parable of the lamp, reflects Jesus' message to His disciples: just as Jesus explained the parable of the sower, they must explain His teachings to those who wish to understand and follow. The second instruction focuses on the extent of revelation: not only will the meaning of the parable of the sower be revealed, but eventually, all truth will be made known. The third instruction, introduced by the phrase “take care how you listen,” encourages people to make good use of the treasure of revelation. It also warns that a lack of understanding can lead to greater ignorance.

Dear friends, we are all invited to implement Jesus' instructions so that the light of life can be shared by all. Jesus emphasizes in the Gospel that each of His disciples should act like a light, reflecting His teachings through their lives, deeds, and words. However, He also underscores that in order to share His teachings effectively, His disciples must first understand them and implement them in their own lives. This practice of Jesus’ teachings leads to a righteous life. The first reading reminds us that it is essential for our practice of these teachings to be evident in our relationships with one another. In short, it teaches that living a righteous life positively impacts our relationships with others, particularly in how we treat those in need and our neighbors.

It is undeniable that, at times, we are good hearers of the Word of God but fail to be doers of it. Today, we are invited to fully absorb Jesus' message and shape our lives accordingly. The readings challenge us to allow the Word of God to affect us positively and bring about change within us.

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