First Reading - Job 9:1-13,14-16

Gospel - Matthew 18:1-5,10

In today’s readings, along with the celebration of the Feast of the Guardian Angels, we are invited to reflect deeply on God’s providence, His care for us in times of trial, and the powerful ways in which He walks with us throughout our lives.
The first reading from the Book of Job presents the well-known figure of Job, a man who has faithfully served God, yet finds himself engulfed in profound suffering. Job struggles to understand his pain, as he knows it is not the result of any sin he has committed. He feels unjustly treated, questioning how a faithful servant of God could be met with such misfortune. In his dialogue, Job wrestles with these thoughts, and even with God Himself. Yet, despite his self-righteousness and confusion, he acknowledges the overwhelming power of God and the mystery of His ways. Job’s story serves as a powerful reminder for us today that God's wisdom surpasses our understanding, and though we may experience suffering, it does not mean that God has abandoned us.
This message is beautifully complemented by today’s Gospel. Jesus responds to His disciples' question, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” by placing a child in their midst. In Jewish society at the time, children had little value; they were considered weak and insignificant. Yet, Jesus elevates the child, showing that in God's eyes, even the most overlooked and vulnerable hold immeasurable worth. In the kingdom of heaven, it is humility, trust, and innocence that define greatness, not power or status.
Jesus then introduces the presence of guardian angels, affirming that even the smallest, most insignificant among us are accompanied by angels who intercede for us in the very presence of God. This brings us to the heart of today’s feast—the Feast of the Guardian Angels. 
The Church teaches that from the moment of our birth, God assigns to each one of us a guardian angel to protect and guide us throughout our lives. These angels are heavenly beings, personal protectors who assist us, strengthen us in times of temptation, and safeguard us from spiritual and physical harm. This feast day is a powerful reminder of God’s loving care and protection over us. Even in our darkest moments, we are never truly alone; we are accompanied by these angels who serve as God’s messengers and guides.
As we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels, let us reflect on the constant, loving care that God extends to each one of us. He sends His angels to watch over us, especially when we are vulnerable, weak, or lost. These angels remind us that we are precious in God’s sight, no matter how small or insignificant we may feel.
Together with Job's journey of trust in God's providence and the humility exemplified by the child in the Gospel, this feast invites us to trust more deeply in God’s presence in our lives. Through His angels, God continually protects us, guides us, and helps us grow in holiness.
So, as we move forward in our daily lives, let us be mindful of the presence of our guardian angels, thankful for their unseen protection, and trust that in God's hands, we are always safe. Let us also strive to cultivate the humility of a child, recognizing that true greatness lies in trust, dependence on God, and faith in His loving plan for us. 

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