Mary, the Holy Mother of God

First Reading - Numbers 6:22-27

Second Reading - Galatians 4:4-7

Gospel - Luke 2:16-28

Monsignor Arthur Tonne tells a story of a Catholic pastor in a small Alabama city of mostly Southern Baptist Christians who decided to put up a Christmas crib in the town square. The priest with some of his prominent parishioners approached some rich people and businessmen for donation. When they went to see the rich editor of the local newspaper the priest explained the project: “Many people, especially the children will be inspired to see Jesus, Mary and Joseph and animals right here in the center of the town.” The editor agreed to help on condition that Mary must be left out. Otherwise, it would be promoting your Catholic denomination. The priest said: “Tell you what. Tell me how you can show a birth without a mother, and I will agree to leave Mary out.” The editor had no answer, and the Mother was with her Child in the town square. The Solemnity of Mary, mother of God reminds us about the role Mary played in the salvation history. The readings of the day bring to our mind the importance of the birth of Jesus and the blessings that he bestows on us through his incarnation.

In the first reading, we hear about the importance of the role of Aaron and his sons as chosen by the Lord to confer His blessings on the people. The formula of blessing is filled with the assurance of God's assistance and protection. 

The gospel presents an account of the shepherds' visit to the baby Jesus. They found the child, his mother Mary and Joseph. This fact that the child was with Mary testifies that Mary is the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. This incident also certifies that Jesus was born as human in a manger, referring to a poor condition of a place. The gospel also testifies that 'Jesus' is the name as according to the divine plan. The gospel passage also asserts that the shepherd believed in the divine message and found as they were told and this brought them joy.

My dear friends, the birth of Christ, as a human being was a divine will. God, in His Son, bares open His will to adopt us all as His sons and daughters. St. Paul in the second reading underlines that Jesus, though born as a human and was one with us, but being one with us, he liberated us from the bondage of slavery and made us the children of God. 

This feast also gives a very important place to Mary in the salvation history, for by her 'yes' and through her we have recieved the blessing to become the children of God. Mother Mary by her 'yes' became the mother of God and became a channel of blessing for the humanity in Jesus as Aaron and his sons become the channel of God's blessing as priests. 

We begin this new year with the celebration of the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God is a reminder for us that through the intercession of mother Mary we are going to receive a year which will be filled with God's blessing and grace. Hence, we need to remain close to our mother Mary. May this feast fill our hearts with God's grace and bless the year with God's hand and Mary's companionship as mother.

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