First Reading - Ecclesiasticus 42:15-26 Gospel - Mark 10:46-52
The gift of 'vision' or 'sight' is important to value the beauty of everything with the perception of it. However, we too need perception that helps us see God's wond…
FEAST OF THE VISITATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARYFirst Reading - Romans 12:9-16Gospel - Luke 1:39-56
We have heard say: "Friend in need is friend indeed." This saying perfectly fits with what our readings teach us today. The readings of to…
First Reading - Ecclesiasticus 35:2-15 ·
Gospel - Mark 10:28-31
2 Cor. 9:7 says: "The Lord loves a cheerful giver." This verse invites us to look at our discipleship from the perspective of generous sacrifice that every follower makes in fo…
MARY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH First Reading - Acts 1:12-14Gospel - John 19:25-34
Today the Church celebrates the feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. This feast occurs on Monday after the feast of Pentecost. This is so because the feast of Pentecost is …
First Reading - Acts 2:1-11Second Reading - I Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13Gospel - John 20:19-23
Today’s Scripture readings remind us that Pentecost is an event of both the past and the present. The main theme of today’s readings is that the gift of the…
First Reading - Acts 28:16-31Gospel - John 21:20-25
As followers of Jesus, we carry individual responsibility to proclaim the good news. The readings of today remind us of our personal responsibility as followers of Jesus. In the gospel passage, Jesus…
First Reading - Acts 25:13-21Gospel - John 21:15-19
St. Augustine says: "Love and do everything you want." Love can be a driving force and an intense energy for our any actions, if we allow ourselves to be moved by it. The readings of today…
First Reading - Acts 22:30-22:6-11Gospel - John 17:20-26
The theory of "divide and rule" was proven effective for the colonialism in order to capture different countries. This theory is still practised by some in order to rule and dominate.…
First Reading - Acts 20:28-38Gospel - John 17:11-19
The Christian life is an invitation to be different in the world; it's a life contradicted and opposed by the world and the worldly values. The readings of the day invite us to withstand the wor…
First Reading - Acts 20:17-27 Gospel - John 17:1-11
Today’s Gospel passage is taken from the “High Priestly Prayer” Jesus offered to the Father for himself, the apostles and all future believers at the end of his long Last Supper discourse. It is ca…
First Reading - Acts 19:1-8Gospel - John 16:29-33 In today's gospel passage, Jesus explains his Divine origin and his relationship to God his Father in clear terms without using any metaphors. The apostles acknowledge that they understand the Div…
Continue ReadingFirst Reading - Acts 1:1-11Second Reading - Ephesians 1:17-23Gospel - Matthew 28:16-20
Leonardo da Vinci had started to work on a large canvas in his studio. For a while he worked at it – choosing the subject, planning the perspective, sketching the …
First Reading - Acts 18:23-28Gospel - John 16:23-28 Faith is not only confined to our spiritual life but it also encompasses our every sphere of life. Therefore, it's important that we should allow our faith to touch and tranform our every part o…
Continue ReadingFirst Reading - Acts 18:9-18Gospel - John 16:20-23
Happiness is our inner craving. We all desire to be happy and blissful. The readings of today invite us to choose Jesus and trust in him to possess permanent joy. The first reading is a fitting narrat…
First Reading - Acts 18:1-8Gospel - John 16:16-20
Life is full of mysteries which we don't understand; such is also the kind of mystery of sufferings. The readings of today invite us to trust in Jesus to overcome the mystery of our time of suffer…
First Reading - Acts 17:15, 22 - 18:1Gospel - John 16:12-15
The words of the gospel are enigmatic and profound. They are not mere sentences but sentences with profound depth. Therefore, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us to understand the depth of t…
First Reading - Acts 16:22-34Gospel - John 16:5-11
Many times, it looks as if our faith-journey was alone all by ourselves but the fact is our journey is accompanied by the Advocate and our Companion, the Holy Spirit. The readings of today highlight …
First Reading - Acts 16:11-15Gospel - John 15:26-16:4
The work of evangelization is not the merit of individuals those who devote themselves to preaching and teaching but is the work of the Holy Spirit. The readings of today highlight the work of the…
First Reading - Acts 8:5-8,14-17 Second Reading - 1 Peter 3:15-18
Gospel - John 14:15-21
Once a tribesman who lived in a forest found the egg of an eagle, took it home and hatched it along with other chicken eggs. The eaglet started growing along wi…
First Reading - Acts 16:1-10Gospel - John 15:18-21
The Christian life exists in the midst of contrasts. The contrast exists between the worldly values and the gospel values. The readings of today invite us not to be carried away by the worldly values…
First Reading - Acts 15:22-31Gospel - John 15:12-17
Today’s Gospel passage is a part of Jesus’ Last Supper discourse. Jesus reminds his disciples that he has chosen them as his friends with a triple mission. First, they are to love others as he has l…