First Reading - Tobit 3:1-11,16-17

Gospel - Mark 12: 18-27

The Church has proposed many beliefs in order to guide the faithful to live a good Christian life. We have our belief in the Trinity which is pivotal to our faith; we have proposed devotional practices as part of our belief; so also we have our belief in the resurrection. Our beliefs help us live our life in the manner God expects from us. The readings of today invite us to hold onto our beliefs that help us live our Christian life faithfully supported by our prayer life.

The first reading presents a beautiful example of prayer and faith. We find in the story two main characters, who, in their grief and pain, invoke the Lord and the Lord does not forsake them but responds to their prayers in a different way. He doesn't give an immediate response to the prayer of Tobit or Sarah. But He leads them to their healing gradually. Certainly, they both were in great distress due to the humiliation and contempt they had to endure. At this juncture, they offered their distress to the Lord and the Lord responds to their prayers by sending Raphael (rapha רפא = to heal, and El = God. Thus it means, God heals or God has healed) to their aid. Thus, God heals them from their distress.

The gospel presents a very important aspect of Christian faith; resurrection. The Judaism has witnessed a gradual development of their many beliefs and one of them is resurrection. During the time of Jesus, there were many who held their faith in resurrection but still there existed a sect which did not believe in the resurrection particularly the group of Sadducees. Regarding their scriptures, that only included Pentateuch or first five books of the Bible and rejected other books like prophets and other writings. 

The gospel passage mentions that they come to question Jesus about the resurrection. It was not to learn from him but to ridicule the belief of resurrection which Jesus himself endorsed. Jesus gives a fitting response to their question. He expounds the nature of resurrection which is beyond physical need or relationship. It's being in spiritual state like angels. Jesus further clarifies quoting the Pentateuch that how God revealed Himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. This he sets as a proof that they continue to live in God's presence. Thus, the resurrection is true and valid.

Dear friends, we can't deny that there are many who still don't believe in the life-after that is resurrection. Jesus clearly validates the belief in resurrection. We don't find at times people propose or endorse a belief of only this life. We have many philosophical beliefs to propose this kind of belief like; epicureanism, hedonism, and utilitarianism etc. They seem to propose that enjoy life even at the cost of moral life. In fact, the belief in the life of resurrection proposes that we do live the present in view of the life to come. Does it mean, we focus only on the future? No, but it means live every bit of our present being responsible and never forgetting the accountability of it to God at the end.

Our belief in the life of resurrection is intimately connected to our relationship with God in prayer. Without relationship with God, can we really think of resurrection? Perhaps, no. Therefore, prayer is important to strenghten our belief and relationship with God. Prayer drives us to seek help from God in the time of distress and agony. The first presents an example for us. The prayers of Tobit and Sarah remind us that we have always an assurance of help from God in prayer.

However, it's a reminder to us that all our prayers may not have instantaneous response because God had His ways to respond to our prayers. Tobit and Sarah prayed to God but God didn't respond to them immediately but sent a help for them and responded to their prayers at its proper time. We also need to have this conviction that our prayers will not be waste but God will respond to our prayers in its proper time.

Let's pray that we may be able to live our belief trusting in the Lord.

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