First Reading - Genesis 22:1-19

Gospel - Matthew 9:1-8

Faith needs expression or else that will not bear fruits. The readings of the day invite us to give a genuine expression to our faith in our lives.

The first reading demonstrates the best expression of faith by Abraham. Abraham is tested by God to sacrifice his only son to Him on mount Moriah. Abraham, without giving a second thought to the test of God, set out to execute the demand of God. He, after realising the might of God who gave him a son in his advanced age, never had a doubt in His promise. He readily went ahead with the plan. Ultimately, seeing the faith of Abraham, God affirms his blessings for him and his progenies to come. 

The gospel of the day draws our attention to the sence of the expression of faith of people who brought the paralytic to Jesus, believing that He is able to heal the man. Their expression of faith is commendable. It was their faith that made Jesus to forgive the sins of the paralytic and restore his health. This scene presents a beautiful expression of faith of the people who brought the paralytic.

Dear friends, we have learnt many ways of expressing our faith; our going to Church and participation in the eucharist and other Sacraments and paraliturgical celebrations are the expressions of faith, so also our family prayers at home. However, there is a danger to land at monotony of life without proper disposition. In the first reading, Abraham was fully disposed and with firm conviction expressed his faith in God by obeying Him and in the gospel, the people genuinely and with confidence in the power of Jesus expressed their faith by bringing the paralytic to Him. In our turn, let our expression of faith in Jesus not become a routine or monotony but genuine expressions of our faith in Him, hence the expressions of faith will bring reward in God, as received by Abraham and the paralytic.

May God enlighten our minds and hearts so that our faith may be strengthened in Him.

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