💖 HOMILY - MAY 11 💖

First Reading - Acts 18:23-28

Gospel - John 16:23-28

Faith is not merely spiritual in nature; it also encompasses every sphere of our lives. The readings of today invite us to translate our faith into life itself.

The first reading presents a vigorous personality in Apollos, who fervently preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. The passage points out two beautiful aspects connected to Apollos: firstly, his spiritual earnestness in action, and secondly, his ability, by God's grace, to help believers. Apollos demonstrates spiritual earnestness as he fearlessly preaches the gospel and refutes Jews who argue with him. He is gifted by God to guide believers to faith in Jesus by presenting Jesus as the Christ according to the Scriptures.

The gospel passage encourages us to develop an intimate relationship with the Father through Jesus, seen in the manner of prayer. Jesus urges his followers to approach the Father in prayer, making their needs known to Him in his name. He also assures them that the Father will answer their requests. The exhortation to ask the Father refers to the intimacy of the relationship established by Jesus between the Father and believers through faith and love.

Dear friends, while we have faith in Jesus, today's readings challenge us to translate that faith into an intimate relationship with the Father, evident in our spiritual fervor. Our prayers should reflect our relationship with the Father, not mere empty words. Let's deepen our relationship with the Father in prayer, with Jesus as our mediator. When we pray, let's ensure our prayers are not just empty words but filled with conviction and faith, enabling us to relate to the Father.

We are reminded that our faith is incomplete without spiritual fervor. Therefore, let's actively participate in spiritual activities and exercises, maintaining our spiritual zeal. Neglecting spiritual exercises can make us dull and lethargic in our faith. Let's learn from Apollos, who exhibited great spiritual fervor for Christ and the gospel.

May God help us grow in our faith and spiritual zeal.

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