First Reading - Wisdom 2:12, 17-20

Second Reading - James 3:16-4:3

Gospel - Mark 9:30-37

I remember that, when I was a child, my teachers used to say: "You are in a world of competition. You must prove yourselves to be better than others." In reality, many times our daily challenge is trying to be better than others, and this, as St. James says, is a spirit of rivalry. As a result, when someone does better or tries to do better, jealousy and envy arise within us. Today's readings invite us to overcome this spirit of competition and jealousy, and to embrace a spirit of encouragement and recognition towards others, and a spirit of humility for ourselves.

In the second reading, St. James makes it clear that jealousy and a spirit of rivalry lead to disorder and all kinds of evil actions. He urges us to overcome these feelings through the Wisdom of the Lord, which makes us humble before Him.

In the first reading, it is evident how jealousy can lead to bad actions. The reading shows us that the righteous man offends the wicked because his life is upright and pure. The righteous man troubles them precisely because he does not act like them. This attitude of the righteous provokes jealousy and envy in the hearts of the wicked, because his life is just before the Lord. This jealousy drives his adversaries to want to get rid of him.

In the Gospel, we see another example of the spirit of competition. We find the disciples discussing who among them is the greatest. Jesus corrects them, explaining that true greatness lies in humility, the same humility that sees greatness even in a child. Jesus teaches that true greatness is not in wanting to show one's superiority, but in recognizing the greatness of others.

Dear brothers and sisters, jealousy and a spirit of rivalry bring no good either to us or to others. Today's readings warn us that these feelings lead to bad actions. We must therefore overcome and remove these poisons from our lives. But how can we do this? By embracing the Wisdom of the Lord, which produces humility in us. Why humility? Because humility instills in us the awareness that we bring nothing with us from this world, neither the recognition of people nor our success, but only how we have behaved before the Lord.

Let us pray that the Lord may grant us the grace of humility for ourselves and the spirit of encouragement and recognition towards others.

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